QuikEyes Ocular Medical Records
The quickest, easiest way to paperless eye exams.
Azure is our current cloud storage partner, offering hipaa complaint data storage services. www.azure.microsoft.com
With their purchase of Allscripts, Veradigm became our e-Prescribing partner, linking our QuikMedRx form to their electronic medication prescribing portal. Sign up today at eprescribe.allscripts.com.
Our partner for 10+ years Medical Claims processor Apex EDI makes claim filing easy by linking QuikEyes HCFA1500 Form directly to their claims processing software. Sign up for an account today at www.apexedi.com.
A local KC tech firm, Tricension has partnered with QuikEyes since 2008 to provide programming, consulting and tech support. www.tricension.com
The quickest, easiest way to paperless eye exams.